
Go Full STEAM Robotics programs provide students attending Title I* schools in Orange County, Florida an opportunity for enrichment and depth of learning in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math disciplines through membership in FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Explore and Challenge robotics teams.

*Title I schools have a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students.  

Support Robotics!

Your generous financial gift ensures ongoing access and education in robotics!

Robotics in Action!

While students receive an introduction to robotics and learn skills like building and coding within today’s school curriculum, our programs take it a step further. We provide funding, best practices, and in most cases mentors to robotics teams that typically meet after school once each week during the year.

Our funding makes it possible to pay registration fees and purchase the robotics kits. Our best practices allow teachers to get teams off to a good start and help provide a strong foundation for the team’s progress. Volunteers support the teacher during the after school activities, act as a mentor to the team, and model good behavior for the students.

Find out more about FIRST LEGO League 👉

Explore Robotics Teams

In FLL Explore, teams of students (grades 2-4) focus on the STEAM fundamentals as they explore real-world problems, learn to design, code, and create unique solutions made with LEGO bricks and powered by the LEGO Education SPIKE Essential robot kit. The Spike Essential kit includes LEGO bricks, sensors, motors and a smart hub that allows team members to build and operate robots and interfacing structures. Robot coding operations are performed using the Spike App and a computer or tablet.

Challenge Robotics Teams

Friendly competition is at the heart of FLL Challenge, where teams of students (grades 4-8) engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering by building and programming a LEGO Spike Prime robot that navigates the “missions” of a structured robot “game” that changes each year. The FLL robot game takes place on a 4x8 ft “field.” The LEGO Spike Prime robot kit includes LEGO bricks, more complex sensors, multiple sizes of motors, and a smart hub with built-in light display. The Spike Prime kits offer students the ability to create more capable robots to handle complex maneuvers and operations during competitions. As in Explore, Challenge robot coding operations are performed using the Spike App and a computer or tablet.

Core Values

Go Full STEAM uses the FIRST LEGO League Robotics programs because they teach positive life skills while at the same time exposing students to today’s cutting edge technologies. FLL Core Values also align with our goals of serving under-resourced communities.

FIRST LEGO League Core Values are cornerstones of the program, and they are fundamental elements that distinguish FLL robotics from similar programs. By embracing the Core Values, participants learn that friendly competition and mutual gain are not separate goals, and that supporting one another is the foundation of teamwork.

FIRST LEGO League Core Values are:

Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork and Fun


  • Go Full STEAM has been supporting robotics teams at Orange County Title I Public Schools since 2014

  • More than 100 students have participated in Robotics teams sponsored by Go Full STEAM

  • Students who participate in Robotics for one school year receive approximately 30 hours of hands-on experience building robots, coding, performing research on a topic that they select, creating display materials, and participating in a technical demonstration or competition with other teams

  • Approximately 50% of all Go Full STEAM Robotics team members participate for at least 2 years in the program

  • Go Full STEAM Robotics teams have participated in field trips to local scientific and technological institutions around Central Florida, such as Lockheed-Martin, Orlando Technical College, and the University of Central Florida.


The impact of our Robotics programs is truly reflected in the pride and excitement of a team of students accomplishing a difficult mission during their first competitive event.

Parents express their gratitude for the opportunities their children receive that would not be possible without Go Full Steam financial assistance and support from volunteers.

Teachers and school administrators complement our volunteers on their commitment to helping students in Title 1 schools raise both individual and school-wide math and science scores.

Studies conducted from 2019-2022 by the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California - Berkeley to evaluate the FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge programs showed that students participating in these FLL programs had significant outcomes as follows:


Interest in STEM

FLL Explore: 100%
FFL Challenge: 100%

Confidence in STEM

FLL Explore: 100%
FFL Challenge: 100%

Coding skills

FLL Explore: 97%
FFL Challenge: 100%

Understanding STEM content

FLL Explore: 97%
FFL Challenge: 97%

Working with others

FLL Explore: 100%
FFL Challenge: 100%

Making team decisions

FLL Explore: 97%
FFL Challenge: 97%

Accepting feedback

FLL Explore: 97%
FFL Challenge: 97%

Adapt and modify ideas

FLL Explore: 97%
FFL Challenge: 100%

Barnett Warren

Robotics Program Director

Barnett began volunteering as a mentor for a robotics after-school program at Pineloch Elementary in 2015. He has served in that capacity at Pineloch Elementary, Riverside Elementary, and Maxey Elementary, all Title 1 schools. Barnett also helped organize and served as a judge for several First Lego League robotics competitions held at Pineloch Elementary School from 2017 - 2019. Barnett currently serves as the program director for Robotics. He enjoys introducing the basics of solving real-world technical problems to young students, and guiding future engineers and scientists toward rewarding STEM-related careers