Support ArtWorks!

Your generous financial gift ensures ongoing access and education in the arts!

Art Inspired

ArtWorks inspires hope and promotes healing in children who have faced the challenges of poverty, abuse, homelessness, or other traumatic experiences.

In ArtWorks classes children learn to creatively express themselves in a variety of art mediums. Projects are designed to encourage introspective thought and healing, enhance cultural pride, and build self-esteem.

Field trips to arts venues opens children’s minds to new and exciting possibilities. Through community exhibits, ArtWorks provides a personal connection between these often, isolated children and the general public, giving the children a desperately needed presence and voice, a voice that educates and advocates in an honest and powerful way for themselves and other children facing similar circumstances.

ArtWorks is a place where you can be you.

Jalyn, age 11

Art – It’s more than a pretty picture!

ArtWorks-Orlando was started by Renée Schneider in 2003 as an outreach ministry of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. From one location ArtWorks has expanded to five. Through partnerships with the Orlando Family Stage (formerly Orlando Repertory Theatre), Orlando Museum of Art and the Winter Garden Art Association students participate in art museum tours, live theater productions, art and drama workshops and gallery exhibits. Students exhibit and sell their art. They attend gallery opening receptions where they meet and discuss their art with guests. This raises their confidence improves communication skills and builds self-esteem. Arts programming is customized to meet the needs and ability of the children and to work within the existing structure of each location.

ArtWorks taught me not to give up.

Queen, age 12


  • $23,000 grant awarded by Dr. Phillips Charities for the first ever, children’s art exhibit in a main gallery at the Orlando Museum of Art.

  • $15,500 raised from sales of note cards featuring art done by children participating in ArtWorks.

  • Art exhibits at the Mayor’s Gallery, Orlando City Hall and the Visual Arts Gallery, University of Central Florida.

  • Over 400 art workshops taught by 48 professional artists.

  • Over 1,600 pieces of art created.

  • Over 200 art kits distributed.

  • Over 60 field trips taken allowing the children to learn about creative career opportunities and experience cultural events.

I feel happy when I do art. It calms me.

Yasira, age 15

Renée Schneider

ArtWorks Program Director

After leaving her design job at Walt Disney World Renée returned to her teaching roots (She has a degree in elementary education) combining it with her art experience to start ArtWorks-Orlando. Renée has always been drawn to art and children. As an elementary teacher Renée incorporated art into every school day. Watching moments of discovery, the spark of creativity, and the glow accomplishment in a child’s eyes are what make her happiest. Renée firmly believes in the transformative power of art. Former students have shared how being introduced to art changed their lives in positive ways. Some choosing arts related careers, and others finding art helpful in relieving stress or as a release for difficult emotions. In a recent ArtWorks survey 90% of students said they accomplished something they didn’t think they could do and 100% reported positive feelings after completing an art project. Art – It’s More than a Pretty Picture!